Fate of the Known Worlds Wiki


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Slipstream, also known as Streaming, Riding the rails, and FTL, is one of the known ways of traveling faster than light.

A Gravity Field Generator drastically reduces the mass of the ship and then a slipstream drive opens a slip point which the ship enters. The ship then catches onto the strings by means of slipstream runners. Once hooked onto the strings the pilot then navigates the series of slipstream "strings" until they reach the desired slippoint where they exit the slipstream.

Slipstream is an extension of our reality, an additional dimension that's integrally intertwined with our own. The slipstream is a place where quantum connections are visible as cords, especially the large and strong connections like those between huge concentrations of matter such as planets or suns. A spaceship that enters the slipstream can harness the energy of these cords and ride them from one star system to another.
